HTH™ Pool Care Pool Filter Sand
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Make sure your sand filter is working in peak condition to keep your swimming pool water clean and clear using HTH's pool filter sand!
- High quality pool filter sand for swimming pool filters
- Keeps filters working efficiently
- Compatible with sand filters of all swimming pool types

Clears cloudy water
HTH™ Pool Filter Sand keeps your water clean and clear by improving filter efficiency.
High quality sand
HTH™ provides the purest sand available thanks to a rigorous washing and grading process.
Compatible with all pools
This product is great for all swimming pools that use sand filters, including salt systems.
You’re all clear with HTH™
Refresh your filter sand every 1.5 years for year-round pools or 3 years for seasonal pools

How to use
HTH™ Pool Filter Sand
1. Use as directed
Follow your filter manufacturer’s recommendations for filling a new filter or for replacing sand in an existing filter.
Follow your filter manufacturer’s recommendations for filling a new filter or for replacing sand in an existing filter.
2. Replace Regularly
For best results, replace your filter sand every 1.5 years for year round pools or 3 years for seasonal pools.
For best results, replace your filter sand every 1.5 years for year round pools or 3 years for seasonal pools.