Pool Calculator

HTH™ Pool calculator allows you to quickly determine your swimming pool’s volume in gallons. Eliminate the guesswork from balancing your pool water and make it easier to calculate chemical dosing.

HTH® Swimming Pool Test Strips for pool care individual package

HTH™ Pool Care 6-Way Test Strips

Test your Pool Chemicals with HTH® Pool Care 6-Way Test Strips makes accurately testing your pool water quick and simple. Use it twice per week for best results.

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Pool Volume Calculator

Are you a pool owner looking to perfect your swimming pool's maintenance? HTH’s pool volume calculator is here to bring clarity and precision to your pool care routine. This innovative tool effortlessly determines your swimming pool's volume in gallons, paving the way for accurate chemical usage and optimal water balance.

But why do you need a pool water calculator, or rather, why does knowing your pool volume matter? Using a pool water calculator to know your pool's exact volume ensures you can precisely balance the water chemistry, leading to a safer and more enjoyable swimming experience. Whether you're a DIY pool owner or a professional, calculating your pool’s volume ensures you can correctly dose chemicals, saving you time and money.

HTH’s pool volume calculator is your perfect partner in pool care, as it is designed for simplicity and ease of use. It caters to all pool shapes and types, whether above-ground or in-ground. With the user-friendly interface of this pool water calculator, you just need to input your pool’s details and let the calculator do the rest.

You will need to know the pool’s shape, type (above-ground or in-ground), depths of both the shallow and deep ends, and dimensions, including width and length. Once you input these in the pool volume calculator, hit 'calculate,' and voilà – your pool's volume in gallons is at your fingertips. This accuracy is vital for effective chemical balancing, making your pool care routine a breeze.

To complement your pool care, HTH offers innovative pool care 6-way test strips. These strips make testing your pool's chemical levels quick and straightforward. For the best results, use them twice a week.

And for an even more streamlined experience, download the HTH Test to Swim App. Simply snap a photo of your test strip, and the app provides accurate results and personalized recommendations in seconds. This technology ensures your pool remains a safe and inviting oasis.

Ready to dive into hassle-free pool maintenance? Trust our pool water calculator and comprehensive pool care solutions for the best results. Use our store locator to find the nearest location for all the HTH pool care products you need today!