Stains & Scale
Don't let stain and scale build up and become hard to remove. Let us show you how to stay on top of the problem.

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Iron, copper and manganese can cause green, brown and purple stains on pool surfaces. Leaves, sticks and other organic debris can cause brown stains on pool surfaces.
Recommended solutions
- Take action as soon as the stains are noticed.
- Ensure water is properly balanced. Lower pH to 7.2-7.4.
- Brush the stained areas daily for at least 5-7 minutes using an 18" curved wall brush.
- Use HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control according to label directions.
- Organic stains will slowly disappear with the regular use of chlorine sanitizer and shock products.
- Brush the stained areas to help remove the stain.
Higher levels of calcium combined with high pH and/or high Total Alkalinity (TA) can cause scale buildup on pool surfaces. Scale is noted by the off-white, gray or tan color, rough texture and release of chalky dust when brushed.
Recommended solutions
- Check and adjust water balance. Adjust pH to the lower end of the range (7.2-7.4).
- Use HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control according to label directions.
- Brush the scale areas at least daily. More frequent brushing will help speed up the removal of the scale.
- If softer water is available, the Calcium Hardness (CH) level can be reduced by draining some of the water in the pool and replacing it with softer water.
Preventative maintenance
- Maintain water balance parameters at all times.
- If the fill water already has high hardness, keep the pH and Total Alkalinity (TA) in the lower half of their respective ranges.
- Add HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control weekly.
As always, we’re here to help. If you have questions, contact our help line at 1-866-HTH-POOL or talk to our experts with our live chat!
Please read the following important reminders before adding pool chemicals to water:
• NEVER mix products together or dissolve before use.
• ONLY enter pool when FAC levels are below 4 ppm to prevent risk of bodily harm.