How to: Open Your Pool and Turn it Blue

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- Pool Opening •
When it's time to open your pool for the swimming season, HTH™ Pool Care products can help you prepare your water. There are two essential elements to ready your pool for the season: ensuring the equipment is in proper working order and balancing the water. Use the HTH™ Pool Care Kit for Opening and Closing in addition to the steps below.
Preparing the Pool Water
•Test the water using the HTH™ Pool Care 6-Way Test Strips, or other HTH™ Pool Care 6-Way Test Kit.
• Adjust the TA, pH, FAC, and TH to the ideal levels recommended in the Balanced Pool Care Chart.
• If needed, stabilize the water using HTH™ Pool Care Chlorine Stabilizer.
• Shock treat pool water with an HTH™ shock product.
• Continue routine maintenance for the entire season to keep your pool water clear and clean.
Preparing the Equipment
• Remove any water and debris that have accumulated on your pool cover during the winter.
• Take off the pool cover. Clean the cover to prevent mildew and premature deterioration.
• Reconnect all plumbing and electrical connections for the pump, filter, and circulation system.
• Make sure the skimmer(s), filter(s), pump(s), drain(s) and other equipment are clean and free of winter debris.
• Use a leaf skimmer to scoop up all surface and submerged debris.
• Clean the pool floor and walls with a curved wall brush.
• If necessary raise water level to middle of skimmer.
• Make sure all hoses and electrical hookups are in working order.
• Turn on filter pump and check the circulation system for leaks.
• Check the skimmer, drain and filter to make sure they are functioning properly. • Use a pool vacuum to remove any remaining debris.
• Run the filter for 12 hours.
As always, we’re here to help. If you have questions, contact our help line at 1-866-HTH-POOL or talk to our experts with our live chat!
Please read the following important reminders before adding pool chemicals to water:
• NEVER mix products together or dissolve before use.
• ONLY enter pool when FAC levels are below 4 ppm to prevent risk of bodily harm.