Open your pool
like a pro

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- Pool •
- Pool Opening •
With proper pool opening, brilliantly clear pool water and easier maintenance will follow.
If you used the tips in our pool closing blog to prep for the down season, good news! You’re already set up for pool opening success. And if you’re starting from scratch, no worries. With these 7 easy steps, you’ll be opening your pool and enjoying sparkling water in no time!
Pro tip: If you’re a brand new pool owner, you can go ahead and skip the cleaning steps.
1. Clear debris and check for damage
Clear debris covering the outside of your pool so you can access the important stuff. Check over your pool and equipment to make sure nothing is broken or damaged after the off season. Ensure equipment repairs are made before you follow the remaining steps.
2. Prep pool opening chemicals
The easiest way to get a hold of pool opening chemicals is by picking up an HTH™ Pool Care Kit. This all-in-one kit is a game changer and works for either pool opening or pool closing. Each kit contains:
• HTH™ Pool Care Shock Ultra
• HTH™ Pool Care Algae Guard Granules
• HTH™ Pool Care Metal, Stain and Scale Control
• HTH™ Pool Care 6-Way Test Strips
3. Clean and remove the pool cover
Sweep debris off your pool cover with a towel or your hand. You can always hose it down later once it’s away from the pool water. As you’re removing it, try to keep debris from falling into the pool.
4. Prep your pool
Check for damage inside your pool, make repairs as needed and replace any worn equipment. Reconnect your pump, filter, hoses and other pool equipment. This is the perfect time to replace your ladder(s) and lights as well as install your skimmer baskets.

5. Add pool water and remove more debris
Fill your pool to the middle of your skimmer opening or to the midpoint of your waterline tile. After that’s done, use your skimmer net to remove larger debris from your pool water. Clear out your skimmer baskets and any other areas that need attention.
6. Run your filter and clean more debris
Run your filter for 12 to 24 hours to circulate your pool water. Take your pool vacuum to remove any remaining debris — this is the last time you’ll clear debris for opening, we promise.
7. Test your pool water
The final step to your pool opening and cleaning spree is to test and balance your pool water using our HTH™ Pool Care 6-Way Test Strips and make any necessary adjustments. Be sure to continue testing and balancing twice a week, so you are swimming in clean, gentle pool water. You can get a quick refresher on our testing and balancing blog!
Continue care for
brilliantly clear pool water
For pool water that continues to sparkle, weekly maintenance is a must. Before you go, check out our maintenance page to access relevant articles, blogs and pool care tips — all in one spot. Happy swimming!
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