Discolored water
If your pool water is green, black, purple, or brown, let's get it back to clear, sparkling blue.

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(866)-HTH-POOLThe problem
Possible causes of discolored water are algae growth or excess copper, manganese or iron. Don't let the color overwhelm you; it may be a simple fix.
Recommended Solutions
- Green, cloudy water (algae growth): See the Algae section for more detailed instructions.
- Clear, blue-green water (excess copper): Use HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control according to label directions.
- Dark green or brown water (excess iron): Use HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control according to label directions.
- Black or purple water (excess manganese): Use HTH™ Metal, Stain and Scale Control according to label directions.
Preventative maintenance
- Maintain balanced water.
- Shock treat the pool weekly.
As always, we’re here to help. If you have questions, contact our help line at 1-866-HTH-POOL or talk to our experts with our live chat!
Please read the following important reminders before adding pool chemicals to water:
• NEVER mix products together or dissolve before use.
• ONLY enter pool when FAC levels are below 4 ppm to prevent risk of bodily harm.